

This is what I received from the Lord:

This is not a call to start a new denomination this is a call to enter the Kingdom of God according to the Scripture & governing ourselves accordingly in the physical.

He who has an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church: 

Come out from among them & be ye separate unto ME SAID the Lord (WHO IS, WHO WAS, & WHO FOREVER IS CHRIST).

All Apostles & Prophets sent by Christ Jesus will agree in the Spirit:

Bishops, Pastors, Elders, & Deacons in each individual city in each individual state who are in Christ must come together with the Body they've assembled & unite; forming the ("true") Church & Body of Christ of that city of that state ---> not forsaking your set groups but now being expanded & gathered together in Christ as originally ordained.

Once this happens the next order of Kingdom Business can be implemented locally, city-wide, on the state- level, then internationally. 

By the Bishops, Pastors, Elders, & Deacons of each individual city--> & the council of Apostle & Prophets of each individual State & connected territories according to the Written WORD of GOD.

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